
Former fat girl lifting weights and drinking protein shakes

Category: Quotes

Social life when sober

Well I can confidently say I have never had more energy and zest for life.

But now I have fit girl problems. I have few people to share it with. My social circle consisted of a group of girls who I would smoke weed with during the week and get drunk with at the weekends. A few other drugs in between if I am to be honest.

There was endless gossip and giggles. Preparation and excitment before we hit the town. Pre drinks and more more make up. Facebook pics because the night obviously didn’t happen unless it was on facebook obviously.

I was bored of it. In a nightclub I didn’t really like not even pretending to have a good time dancing round handbags to music I didn’t like.

I don’t miss that life, there was a time I lived for Saturday to come round and spend my entire day getting nails/hair done. Spend my money on an outfit I’ll wear only once.

I have happy memories,  sad memories and some toe curling shameful memories.  I wouldn’t take any of it back and given the chance I would do the exact same.

Now I look forward to waking up fresh sunday and going for a run. some people aren’t compatible with the new me. But thats ok cause I genuinely love the new me and dont need approval from other people.

Since going sober in September I want my weekend to consist of things I have never done before and go to places I have never been.

People have left my life and I have grieved for those friendships. It has served a purpose by allowing space in my life for new people to come along.

I live in a country where everything revolves around alcohol. Going sober has been a character building exercise to say the least.  I no longer have my social lubricant when meeting new people.  It’s isolating at times but it’s given me a chance to really get to know the genuine authentic me.

To anyone going sober or experiencing that social circle shrink. Be patient everything you work on today is building for a better future tomorrow. If you can take yourself out of your comfort zone and keep pushing those boundaries,  I salute you!

May we be humble to know we are not better but wise enough to know we are different.

Cake or abs

My housemate brought biscuits back yesterday. I sat and watched him eat an entire pack with cups of tea while we watched gogglebox. I used to love eating biscuits in front of the telly, biscuits and gogglebox, they were my favorite past times. Such a simple thins but mindlessly eating is what got me fat. Today there was tiramisu left over for me in the fridge. It’s low carb day so I just get to sleep as quickly as possible so I can get to breakfast. I made a positive affirmation that I want abs more than cake. But I know my willpower so I dropped the Tiramisu in dirty dishwater then chucked it in the bin which was the best place for it. Cake 0 me 1

Food hangover

Food and moods so inextricably linked. happy eating, sad eating, celebratory eating. Eating cause I have an excuse.

I attended a funeral this week and I gave myself a free pass. Faced with a table full of beige I had an opportunity to eat white carbs and cheese on a stick plus a whole host of sugary crap that should come with warnings. To be fair I usually bring my own food stacked away nicely in tupperware. I relish the strange looks if I’m honest I never get bored preaching clean living to people.

after I messed up on a diet be it calorie counting, weight watchers, slim fast, basically name it and I’ve done it. the onslaught begins.

I always used to start a diet on Monday as you do, or will hit the gym hard the next day or eat at a calorie deficit. This time I’m holding my hands up my greed got the better of me I chose to eat all that crap knowing full well I could have chosen not to but I let the wrong voice justify it.

I’m back on the grind, that one day turned into a weekend of eating for pleasure rather than fuel. After being strict with my nutrition for soo long my body became ill after all the sugar. I felt bloated, lethargic and gassy with an all day headache to boot. My set back reaffirmed clean eating  is the way for me, after dipping my toe into my old eating habits I know it’s something I want to leave firmly behind.